Troop 116

Heatstroke First Aid

The signs of, and treament for, heatstroke

Heatstroke is the most serious and deadly form of heat-related illnesses. Your body temperature gauge bascially breaks, and you keep getting hotter without the natural ability to cool down again.

This can happen quickly, and the best defense is just to stay hydrated and not overwork yourself in the heat.

Heatstroke can come on suddenly by itself, or arise as a complication or worsening of heat exhaustion.

Heatstroke is very serious, and untreated can result in brain injury, organ injury, or death.

How to avoid heatstroke

Signs of heatstroke

How to treat heatstroke

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Note: The first aid and survival tips provided on this site are informational only. Please seek advice from a medical professional or trained wilderness first aid expert for current best practices and techniques.